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What Others Are Saying

Growing Closer Through Charting Your Legacy – Bill and Jo Barron
Wealth Manager’s Charting Your Legacy Experience – Mike and Kelle Zizmer

“Howard Dayton is the ultimate guide to help you navigate the unique challenges and blessings of being entrusted with significant resources. The Charting Your Legacy study blends Godly wisdom and practical insights to help you finish well!” Rob West, Kingdom Advisors, President

“I have personally been shaped by the Charting Your Legacy study.  The Holy Spirit used the Biblical principles, powerful stories, practical application and meaningful discussion to reimagine our future as we seek to finish well and desire to hear the words, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant.”  Todd Harper, President, Generous Giving

“As a financial advisor, I continually look to deepen my relationship with my clients and to understand their perspectives concerning their wealth. Charting Your Legacy provides a process and a forum to guide families in the communication of their financial aspirations and be guided and influenced by Biblical truth as they discover what it means to finish well.” Mike Zizmer, CFP, Managing Director, Wealth Management Group of Raymond James

“There is no one better qualified to offer counsel and advice to those entrusted with much than Howard Dayton. He has years of experience, but more importantly, tremendous wisdom. Thanks Howard for developing the outstanding Charting Your Legacy small group study and adding your wisdom to this great need.” Ron Blue, Author and Founder of Kingdom Advisors